
How Decorative Stone Products are Sized

Online Stone SolutionsDec 26, '19

Do-it-yourself doesn’t have to mean that you go it alone. Take decorative stones for example. It makes things a lot easier and less stressful if you have a reliable partner and trusted resource like Online Stone Solutions to help get you up to speed. In this blog-post we’re going to...

5 Landscaping Tips that ROCK

Online Stone SolutionsDec 4, '19

Back in the day, landscaping typically meant having a nice lawn, a couple fruit trees, and brightly colored flower beds. Nowadays, do-it-yourself landscapers tend to be more aware of their impact on the environment and seek water-efficient solutions that are also pleasing to the eye.

When it’s Better to Order Decorative Stone from Your Local Store

Online Stone SolutionsNov 21, '19

As a trusted partner, OSS always looks out for our customers’ best interest, even if it means sending their business elsewhere. In fact, we’re frequently asked by our customers, “When does it make more sense to go to my local store instead of ordering stones online from OSS?” 

Receiving Your First Delivery of Decorative Stone

Online Stone SolutionsNov 12, '19

If you’re new to do-it-yourself landscaping, this might be the first time you’ve bought, or considered buying, decorative stones online. What can you expect? With Online Stone Solutions as your partner, you just might be surprised by how easy and painless the whole process is — and exciting too. Come...