Mexican beach pebbles come in a variety of sizes (as well as names) to match the variety applications for this popular product. Some of the uses include ground cover, pathways, planters, ponds, water features, dry stream beds. It's important to know which size is best for each application. To help you understand the...
Water Saving Tips With Stone Landscaping
Online Stone SolutionsJan 25, '20
Water conservation is all the rage right now and for good reason. Homeowners tend to be more aware of their impact on the environment and seek water-wise landscaping solutions. Others want to reduce water consumption to save money and/or because they live in a part of the country that has...
Landscaping for Water Erosion Control
Online Stone SolutionsJan 13, '20
Most states will experience wetter-than-average conditions over the next few months, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. While the rainy season means homeowners can spend less time watering their plants, flowers, and lawn, it presents one major disadvantage: water erosion, which can cause your topsoil to deteriorate and...
Mulching in the Windy West
Online Stone SolutionsJan 3, '20
SoCal has received its fair share of wind this year! The notorious dry and gusty Santa Ana winds frequent themselves through Nevada, Utah and Southern California during the fall and winter months. Using decorative stone in your landscape projects instead of organic mulch is effective in windy areas. The mountain...